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Friday, May 20, 2016

Why Linked is so successful ?

I got the email last night and changed my password, and LinkedIn asks me to add my phone number for an "additional layer of security". How about you protect the information you already have, LinkedIn?That said, it really is a good idea to use two-factor auth for important accounts. I don't begrudge them trying to get more people to use it.I got hit by the Adobe hack... A few months later, one of my servers was compromised because I used the same password for one of the accounts (with sudo access) as I did for my Adobe acct.How did they find my server? Whois records of domains registered to the same email address of my Adobe account, then ssh'ing to those domains. The username? An automated script tried various combinations of initials and names. They it got it right on the 3rd try, avoiding getting banned for too many failed attempts. Used the password from the Adobe hack.

When I first read the email, I assumed it meant they found my info in a leak from another site. I'm pretty sure that's how they meant it to be read; I don't know why else they would've felt the need to say it came from "outside LinkedIn".Like which ones? :) Maybe for the first couple years, yeah. But LinkedIn has been in operation since 2002, and was profitable up until 2012. Now they're losing as much as they were gaining, and they can't do that forever. Additionally, news like this could upset a lot of people enough to not trust it anymore because many people (unfortunately) use the same e-Mails and passwords for many sites.

I was curious as to why I received the same email this morning. I just reset it and thought nothing of it, I rarely go on the site as it is. It isn't good that they didn't do anything about it until years later, though.And also why 4 years earlier my accounts that shared the password were suddenly all bring logged in from China. Yes, I've changed to using unique passwords everywhere but still, this is way the catalyst.One morning I got back from a run and my email started being flooded with "so and so has accepted you connection request", and I'm like WTF I hadn't used LinkedIn in weeks.

Somehow, the mobile app had decided to give itself permission to access my contacts, but thanks to iPhone part of that is contacts automatically added from every person I've ever emailed. I contacted support, and they insisted I manually requested about 1500 connections in one minute, at around the time I was in the middle of my run with my phone in my pocket, which is rediculous.I remember the day I realised that the reason my sister is a recommended friend on Facebook despite the fact that my Facebook account uses all fake information and has never come in contact with any of my family was because my actual phone number was tied to my Facebook account and my sister has the Facebook app on her phone, which has my number in contacts. And it was listing her as a recommended friend on my account. "Who can look you up using the phone number you provided?" has always been set to Friends, the most restricted option for it.

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