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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The World Dumber is Easier for Dumb People to Get Thoughts Heard

Story time! So one day I was at the mall with my brother and I saw the black kid walking towards me. He had one of those sweatshirts with full design on the front, his happened to have the Mona Lisa on it. I looked at my brother and said "they should hang him in a museum." We both had a look of horror as I realized what I had just said.Nowadays non-Americans are pretty interested in American politics. Probably because our elections last so long and other countries tend to have shorter ones.

Some random senior tried to hit me when I suggested that Trump would not make a good president. He wasn't around when I made the comment. He heard it third hand and tried to knock my lights out. I'm lucky I know how to run down stairs.There has to be a word for American politics, something like a portmanteau of 'entertainment' and 'politics'. I'm surprised no one has come up with it yet, like a word for texting drunk (which I would guess is as big a social phenomenon as "duck face").

America is closer to size and population to Europe than it is to any one individual European country. U.S. laws, geography, and culture also vary from state-to-state.I think theres a group of people that will hate you for not being their political affiliation, and thats one thing. They've always been like that, theyre just assholes. But then I think theres a much larger group that will not associate with anyone who likes trump especially anyone from the_donald, because regardless of what you think about the matter they still think of him as far scarier than the average republican because of the absolutely off-the-wall stuff he has said. Stuff like "call bill gates, shut down the internet" They see him as an anti-information-age racist billionaire who now actually has a chance at gaining power and that perception makes anyone who follows him seem insane.

That's what the powers that be want. They want us all working against each other, so we're distracted and they can continue doing what they do. Accumulate wealth and power at the cost of everyone else, no matter what.The next time someone cites the popularity of the Kardashians as proof of the decline of civilization, remind them that 100 years ago an extremely popular form of entertainment was gawking at people and animals with severe deformities ("freak shows").

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