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Monday, May 16, 2016

As an adult male who has horrible hand writing, this might just work

Reminds me of the time I wrote Leonardo DiCaprio a love letter when I was 6. I scribbled it on printer paper with a pink marker and ended with "please reply here" and drew a few crooked lines.Thanks to Leo, cigar companies contractually require you to do that head nod every time you see someone while smoking a cigar

True! Another one: the ship sinking was a metaphor about the loss of lives from a boat taking on more water than will allow it to remain buoyant. That movie is full of sneaky metaphors.And how about the metaphor of the lifeboats being floating devices for which to travel safely in small groups in the event of a problem with a big boat sinking?

It's funny what we do and do not know about our parents. Like what sticks in our minds about them.For example my Dad just had a birthday, it's my first year being married so I got my hubby to sign as well. He asked how old Dad was, I said '34' without even thinking. Hubby was like 'uh, you're going to be 34 this Summer, he's not 34''. I just had this horrified, blank face.

My mom didn't have me young, but she would always tell me she was 19. By the time I was in first grade I realized she'd been telling me that for three years. "That means you're 22!" She was at least 30, but that's when I became the favorite son.I would do the opposite to teach her a valuable lesson about lying. Tell her she's getting a puppy but instead of getting her a puppy pack all your clothes, empty your bank accounts, flee the country, get new identifies and never contact her again.

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