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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Checked Out A House in Galgary by Bobcat mama and kittens

Something tells me they would not be nice if you were to attempt to touch them.You'd be surprised how used to people animals can get. Park by my house has flocks of geese in the summer, they often sit up on the sidewalk and meander around even when people are walking on it...I also don't know how many times i'v seen deer stand by the side of the road and wait for cars to go by before crossing...Yeah, I've had a bobcat hang around from time to time, or rather I think it might have been half. It'll fuck you up if you aren't careful.I live in a city, never seen bobcats outside of the zoo--could someone tell me, are these guys at all aggressive?. I realize they're pretty small and not as dangerous as, say, a mountain lion--but are they people-friendly or just dangerously adorable?

The reason Canadians are so polite is that Canada geese stole all our attitude and became concentrated assholes who will tear your shit apart and play terrorist with your aircrafts.We have geese on our campus year round. Mother fuckers need to be exterminated. I know it's a migratory species, but these assholes aren't.I read this and thought what a perfectly reasonable explanation but then I realized that this was taken from just a foot or two off the ground. I imagine that this was taken from the other side of a glass storm door and that the cats have become a bit desensitized to people.

It's about security as much as convenience, some systems will notify you via app on your smartphone and give you a live feed as well as a speaker. Giving the would be intruder an impression that you are home.My in laws had some feral kittens at their old place that they were selling, along with mama cat. So they had this brilliant idea to catch, clean and befriend these five cats.Went to a wolf habitat that had a few of these guys in a separate reserve... the owner kept reiterating the number one problem with bobcats is people think they would make cool pets. They would not.

I think the preferred strategy is to separate the kittens from the mother in a very visible way, so she knows that they're being taken care of nice and safely.The only scary one was the porcupine in fish creek park. I didn't list it because it didn't happen inside the neighbourhood itself.You can find the bus stop mountain lion story if you google hard for it, it took place in shawnessy when I was bussing home from a friends.I was just going to mention this. We have lynx here in Sweden, which are a member of the same family, and they're almost mythical in their elusiveness. Seeing one is a rarity even when you're in their actual habitat. I can't imagine seeing one around my house.

Most wild animals aren't that aggressive when you aren't threatening them and/or you aren't small enough to eat. The handful of times I've seen a bobcat, as soon as they realize you know they're there, they run and hide.They generally avoid people. I lived in SW calgary most of my life right next to fishcreek park (where lots of these guys hang out and where this photo was taken) and spent tons of time in fishcreek park, even by myself between midnight and 5am. Never seen one in person. They are very skittish and will run long before you see them.Which is the Glenmore Reservoir, a 1.5 square mile body of water fed by a river and wetland ecosystem. There is more water within three minutes of that Bobcat than there is for THIRTY MILES in any direction of the city of Calgary.

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