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Friday, May 13, 2016

Baby Teether when to use better methods to buy gutta-percha

Teethers baby teeth are hard to defuse the situation itchy tool by sucking or baby teether baby milk teeth while promoting growth, but also exercise the baby hand and mouth coordination, and promote baby's mental development, while baby uncomfortable time to give the baby comfort. For new mothers, gutta-percha is a word often heard, but moms also very puzzled, gutta-percha when to use it?

Teether when to use

Teethers mainly to ease teething discomfort, the gutta-percha when to use it? In fact, teethers baby teething stage within four months to two years between can be used. Due to different development of the baby, so the start time of teething is not the same, between 4-10 months to start teething is normal, and generally before the age of two teeth can grow together, which can be between the use of gutta-percha, then do not use.

Kind of gutta-percha

We already know when to use gutta-percha, then we look at the kind of baby teethers.

1, pacifiers teethers, as the name implies, this teether shape and pacifiers are very similar, it can help the baby massage gums next to the teeth, to ease teething discomfort, pacifiers teethers relatively light, the baby easy to grasp, for just start baby molars.

2, plastic water, which is a plastic material with a unique ice produced gutta-percha, relatively soft and can be used as Guchi device, not only can massage your baby's gums, sore gums when baby can also play iced effect for the beginning of teething baby.

3, gutta-percha sound, sound that is capable of gutta-percha, when used to attract baby's attention, colloid surface soft, you can gently massage the gums, slowing the baby teeth itching and other discomfort for All phases of the baby.

Gutta purchase method

1, the purchase of gutta-percha is best to go relatively well-known maternal stores to buy not only more choices, and more quality assurance.

2, the purchase of gutta-percha is best to buy a few, baby grip instability often away, you can also buy a few easy to replace.

3, gutta-percha is baby toys, so the more interesting you can choose the color, shape, but also easy to play with.

4, gutta-percha material is preferably silicone is better, hardness silicone good, more suitable for baby bite.

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