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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What Color Is The Best Tasting Level of Ripeness

Well if this actually original content, he took this picture about 3 hours ago, so it's not an unreasonable thing to think that he's actually still waiting to this day, since it was posted today.Not these. That's a Champagne mango, which will turn a pale yellow when they are over-ripe.And you hope that the printhead on the machine that manufactures these stickers has been recently calibrated for consistent ink color."They took a week to get me the proofs, and they're so clearly off-color a blind person could tell. Send back the reference mangoes and tell them to try again."Or that the job wasn't given to a lazy-ass intern who opened up Paint, looked at a random mango that they were having for lunch, adjusted a few sliders, and said, "yeah, close enough."

As someone who is colorblind, I thought this was a great idea since I can never tell when fruit is ripe. Then I read your comment and realised it doesn't work so well since I thought it was ripe.I always thought colorblind blind people only couldn't distinguish hues. Do you also have trouble with value(the darkness/lightness) and saturation(the more/less intense the color is)?You're right. I've noticed this with guavas too. They do export a different, more shippable quality because it's probably picked when it's less ripe so that it doesn't get damaged during shipment. Similar to how California tomatoes are picked green then ripened on the truck on the way to grocery stores around the country. The flavor just isn't the same because it wasn't allowed to develop on the plant.

Lightness is relative. The human vision (eye + brain interpretation) varies in sensibility to certain visible wavelengths (= 'colors') so light with the same intensity but different colors seems brighter, darker more or less saturated than it really is (it also varies between every individual). This makes building camera sensors such a voodoo science.I think different species might be the cause of that. The mango tree in my Backyard is turning red right now in Florida but my tree in India all mangos turn bright orange.

That's considered one of the shittiest in India. Best Mango is. (Alphonso) 2nd best is kesar(I don't know what you guys call it in English, saffron maybe) Source: Indian.Fun fact: "Langda" means handicap(lacking one leg or having one non-functioning leg) person in Hindi.Because of your username I'm going to ask you this, what are the red and green ones that I buy at supermarkets? I had no idea there were so many varieties.Can't say I'm an aficionado but the Mexican mangos I've had in Mexico taste a fuckton better than the ones I've had in Merica. Maybe they just export the shit batches and keep all the good Runs for themselves.

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